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Renaming and replacing Libraries

Last updated on 14 Jan 2025
1 min read

Renaming a Library

You can easily rename a Library in the web app, just as you would rename any document. From them Mac app, you can rename Workspace or local Libraries. If you’re renaming a local library you’ll need to remove it first and then rename it using Finder.

Renaming a local Library

  1. Head to Sketch > Settings or press , and click on the Libraries tab.
  2. Right click the local Library you want to rename, and select Show in Finder
  3. Choose Remove Library
  4. Rename the Library using Finder
  5. Add the Library again via Sketch > Settings > Libraries (see Creating and Adding Libraries)

Renaming a Workspace Library

  1. Press O to open the Workspace window
  2. Locate the library document
  3. Righ-click on the document thumbnail and select Rename
  4. Edit the name and press when done

To rename a Library in the web app, click on Three dots on the Library’s thumbnail and select Rename from the menu. Enter a new name and save by clicking the Rename button.

Replacing a Library

You can replace Libraries in your documents, which can help you save a lot of time when you’re doing things like theming. When you replace a Library, Components with the same name and location will swap their equivalent in the replacement Library. You can choose to replace all Components, just a specific type or even a custom selection.

To replace a Library, head to Edit > Replace Library in the menu bar, choose All Components to replace all Components with the same name or select the Component type. Finally, choose the Replacement Library (make sure it’s already part of your installed Libraries).

For more control, you can select specific Components on the Canvas and head to Edit > Replace Selected Components in the menu bar to swap out the Library for just those specific elements.