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Last updated on 14 Dec 2023
2 min read

If you are looking for information on how to create, share or update library components, head over to the Libraries section.

How to add a new Library

To add a new Library, choose Add Local Library in the Libraries tab of the Settings window and select the .sketch Library document.

An annotated image showing the Libraries tab of the Settings window.

The Libraries tab of the Settings window in the Mac app

  1. Enable/Disable your Libraries in the Mac app using the checkboxes. This is handy when you have lots of Libraries to manage.
  2. Library info shows if a Library is enabled or not, when it was last updated and if it’s using a starred update. If an update is available for an enabled Library (and you have not enabled automatic updates) you’ll see an update button for it.
  3. Control-clicking on a Library Add Library in the list will bring up options to show it in the Finder or Web Browser (depending on type), open it or remove it altogether.
  4. Workspace, Remote and Local Libraries are displayed in separate sections.
  5. The More options menu gives you the same options for any Library you’ve selected as if you have control-clicked on it.
  6. Automatically download and update Libraries gives you the option to automatically download a Library update whenever one is available.
  7. Add Local Library lets you add Libraries from anywhere on your computer via the standard macOS Open Dialog.

How to Restore missing Libraries

If you see a warning in your Library settings about a missing Library, this means the Mac app can’t find that .sketch Library document.

An annotated image showing the Libraries tab of the Settings window showing a missing library.

The Libraries tab of the Settings window showing a missing library in the Mac app (v90 July 2022)

  1. Missing Library warning is shown, for example, if you have moved the original file.
  2. Locate missing library option is used to open a MacOS file dialog where you can find and relink to the library in its new location.

Removing and disabling Libraries

To delete a Library, control-click on the Library you want to uninstall and select Remove Library…. Although you can’t delete Libraries in your Workspace from the Settings window, you can always disable them.

Note: Removing a Library that any of your Sketch documents are using will unlink any Symbols in that document and move them into the local Symbols page. You can’t undo this action.

When you disable a Library, you won’t see it in the Insert Menu or Insert Window. This can be helpful to organize your workflow and only show those libraries you are currently working with. You can always enable the Library again as long as you don’t delete it.