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Last updated on 25 Oct 2022
29 min read


Adjust content on resize: An option found in the Inspector when an Artboard is selected. Allows you to determine whether the content within should be modified when the Artboard resizes.

Align tool: A tool found at the top of the Inspector (the six icons after the divider). Allows you to line up two or more layers against each other, or line up layers to the edges of an Artboard or group.

alpha mask: A type of mask that clips above layers to its shape as well as its opacity.

Angular Gradient Angular Gradient: A type of fill made up of two or more colors that will sweep around a circumference determined by the layer’s size.

Animate: A prototyping option that lets you define the transition from one Artboard to another.

Arrow tool Arrow: A tool that allows you to draw a line with an arrowhead on the Canvas.

Artboard: A type of layer that is used to contain other layers and displays a fixed frame on the Canvas.

Artboard Template: An Artboard that acts like a reusable Component. You can turn any Artboard into a template and insert a copy of it (and its content) across documents, or even share them as part of Libraries.

Artboard tool Artboard: A tool that allows you to insert an Artboard onto the Canvas, either via drawing or selecting a preset from the Inspector. You can select the Artboard tool by pressing the A key.

Assistants Assistants: Third-party extensions that can automatically check your designs against a set of rules to help spot spot issues or inconsistencies.

Asymmetric Asymmetric: A type of vector point. Handle control points will appear parallel but be an independent distance from the vector point. Used to create Bézier curves.

auto (width) auto(width): A setting applied to a text layer. Auto enables the text layer’s width to keep on growing until you create a line break.

Auto Save: A macOS feature that will automatically save your Sketch document whenever you make a change.


background blur: A blur effect that will blur content underneath the layer. Used to replicate the effect seen in macOS and iOS.

backward Backward: A command that will move the selected layer towards the bottom of the Layer List.

baseline: Refers to the imaginary line in which all characters in a text layer sit on.

Bézier curve: Created by handles that extend from a vector point when it is set as either Mirrored, Asymmetric, or Disconnected.

bitmap: A type of image that is made up of pixels.

blending or blend mode blending: An option that allows you to adjust the layer, or style’s blend mode. This will affect how it appears on the Canvas.

boolean operation: A rule that dictates how combined layers should be displayed.

border: Part of a shape’s style that is applied to a path.

brightness: A measurement of the intensity of light. The difference between a darker and lighter color with the same hue.


Canvas Canvas: The main drawing area in the Mac app. It is infinite in size and can be scrolled in any direction.

character spacing: An option that allows you to define the value between the characters of a text layer.

child: A term used to refer to a layer that is contained within a group or Artboard.

click-through: An option that can be applied to group layers to select the content within, rather than the group itself. Can also be enabled by holding the Command key.

closed path: A vector shape whose first and last vector points are the same as the path loops round.

Color (blend mode): This effect will preserve the brightness of any layers beneath the one with the Color blend mode applied, but will use its hue and saturation.

Color (menu): Displays a panel provided by macOS that contains the System’s color picker.

Color Adjust: A style attribute that allows you to determine the values of the hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast of a bitmap layer.

Color Burn (blend mode): Will burn the color of the layer with the blend mode applied over the layers beneath it. No part of the layer will become lighter.

Color Dodge (blend mode): The inverse of Color Burn. Will dodge the color of the layer with the blend mode applied over the layers beneath it. No part of the layer will become darker.

color model: A color model is a system for creating a full range of colors from a small set of primary colors. Examples of color models are HSB, and RGB.

Color Profile: A set of data that allows a device or piece of software to correctly interpret color values, such as RGB, and display them as intended.

Color Variables Color Variables: Solid colors that synchronize across your document. Any change to a Color Variable, will appear across all of the layers that use it. Color Variables replace global colors.

Combine Combine: A toolbar item that allows you to perform a boolean operation on selected shapes from a pop-up menu.

Components: The collective name for Symbols, Text Styles, Layer Styles, Color Variables, and Artboard Templates.

Components View Components View Tab: A view where you can create, manage, search, and find local Symbols, Text Styles, Layer Styles, Color Variables, and Artboard Templates in your document.

constraints: Rules that can be applied to a layer to determine how it should behave when its parent is resized.

contrast: The difference measured between the light and dark colors used. Increasing the contrast value will make light colors lighter, and dark colors darker.

Create Symbol Create Symbol: A command that allows you to turn any layer into a Symbol Source allowing it to be reused and updated.


Darken (blend mode): Will blend the darkest colors between the layer that has the Darken blend mode applied, and the layers beneath it.

Data dataset: A tool that allows you to apply pre-defined images and text content to shape and text layers.

dataset: A source of Data which can be applied to either shape or text layers.

difference Difference (blend mode): A type of boolean operation. The result is a vector that is exactly the part where they didn’t overlap. It’s the inverse of an intersect operation.

Difference (blend mode): An effect used to create negative, or inverse colors. Dark parts of a layer will have no effect if those beneath it are also dark, while a white, or light layer inverts the other layer’s color.

Disconnected Disconnected: A type of vector point. Handle control points will be completely independent of each other. Used to create Bézier curves.

Display P3: A color profile designed for wide gamut displays that can render more vibrant colors than sRGB.

Distribute tool : A tool found at the top of the Inspector (first two icons). Allows you to place three or more layers an equal distance from each other horizontally or vertically.

document gradient: A defined preset of a type of gradient that can be used only in the current Sketch document.

Draft: A private document, stored in your Workspace, that only you can see.


Edit tool Edit tool: A tool that is used to edit the selected layer. Individual options are available for vector shape, text, and bitmap layers.

Ends: A type of cap that you can apply to a border on an open path.

EPS: A vector file format commonly used in print design.

Even-Odd: A winding rule that determines how shapes with overlapping paths should fill. Even-Odd preserves the ‘holes’ created.

Exclusion (blend mode): Behaves much the same way as Difference, but there’ll be less contrast between the two layers.

export presets: An option that allows you to apply pre-defined export sizes to exportable layers.

Export tool: A tool used to share assets defined as exportable from the Mac app.

exportable layer: A layer that can be exported from the Mac app that appears in the Export dialog.

external Symbol: See Library Symbol.

Eyedropper tool Eyedropper tool: A tool found in the color popover used to sample a color from the display.


fill: An integral part of a shape’s style

filter: An option available at the bottom of the Layer List to search for a layer by its name.

Fix Height: A type of constraint. Ensures that a layer’s height does not change when its parent is resized.

Fix Width: A type of constraint. Ensures that a layer’s width does not change when its parent is resized.

fixed (width) fixed (width): A setting applied to a text layer. Fixed width is defined by the width of a layer. Words that would exceed the width will automatically be placed onto a new line.

fixed element: A layer or component that maintains a fixed position when scrolling.

Flatten tool Flatten: A tool that is used to flatten all overlapping subpaths of a vector shape. Can also be used to confirm any transformations.

flip Flip horizontally: A command that will let you flip, or mirror a selected layer horizontally or vertically.

Follow Mode: A way to follow another collaborator around the Canvas and observe what they’re working on.

font: A specific file from a typeface that is a certain weight.

Fonts (menu) Fonts (menu): Displays a panel provided by macOS that contains the System’s font picker.

footer: A consistent part of a design that sits at the bottom of a screen or webpage.

Foresight: A feature to preview the outcome of some actions like resizing or aligning layers.

forward Forward: A command that will move the selected layer towards the top of the Layer List.

fractional pixel: A sub-pixel value where a layer or vector point can be placed within two decimal places.

frequent color: A color that is recognized by the Mac app as one that is frequently used. Stored within a pop-up menu accessed via the color popover.


Gaussian blur: A blur effect common in graphics software. Used to accurately blur a layer in all directions.

global gradient: A defined preset of a type of gradient that can be used throughout any Sketch document.

Grid Show Grid: A Canvas overlay used to help align and lay out content.

group Folder closed: A type of layer that is used to contain other layers for organizational purposes.

Guide: An overlaid marker that is drawn from the Ruler. Layers dragged towards a Guide will automatically snap to it.


handle: The line that extends from a vector point to create a Bézier curve.

handle control point: A point that appears at the end of a handle when editing vector shapes.

Hard Light (blend mode): Similar to Overlay. Combines both the Multiply and Screen blend modes, but the final color is the result of Multiply if the layers beneath it are lighter, or Screen if the layers beneath it are darker.

header: A consistent part of a design that sits at the top of a screen or webpage.

hidden layer: A type of layer status. If a layer is hidden, then it is no longer visible in the Canvas.

Hotspot Rectangle Protoype: A type of layer used when creating a prototype. Hotspots can be clicked in the Preview window to navigate to the target Artboard.

HSB: Acronym for Hue, Saturation, and Brightness. A type of color model that is broken into those three components.

HSL: Acronym for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. A type of color model that is broken into those three components.

hue: An attribute of color perception. Red, green, and blue are all hues.

Hue (blend mode): This effect will preserve the saturation and brightness of any layers beneath the one with the Hue blend mode applied, but will use its hue.


Image Fill Image Fill: A type of fill applied to a shape that is an image or pattern.

Image tool Image tool: A tool that allows you to insert an image on the Canvas from a location on your computer.

imported Symbol: See Library Symbol.

Insert Create: A toolbar item that allows you to select a tool to insert a layer onto the Canvas.

Insert Window: A smaller, separate window that helps you quickly browse and insert Components into your documents.

Inspector: Displays the current settings and properties for the selected layer and is located on the right side of the Mac app window. Options can change depending on the tool or layer selected.

instance: A flattened representation of a layer. These will update whenever a change has been made to a Symbol Source. Can independently contain overrides.

interlace PNG: An option that can be applied when exporting PNG images to determine how the image downloads in a web browser.

intersect boolean intersect: A type of boolean operation. The result is a vector consisting of the parts where the original shapes overlapped.


Join tool: A tool that will allow you to connect open paths together.

Joins: Options that allow you to determine how borders should appear on a path’s corner.

JPG: A common file format associated with large bitmap images and photos. The amount of compression used can be varied. Less compression results in a higher-quality image.

justify justify: A type of text alignment. Will attempt to render multiple lines of text (excluding the last) with automatic character spacing so all the lines are roughly the exact length.


kern: An option that allows you to define the value between individual characters in a text layer.


layer: A building block for creating designs in the Mac app. There are different layer types but they will all appear in the Layer List.

Layer List: Contains a list of all layers that have been added to the Canvas. Located on the left side of the Mac app window.

layout grid layout grid: A type of grid that is made up of a series of vertical or horizontal bars. Commonly used for web design.

Library Library: A special type of Sketch document which makes its Components available to use in any other document. You can share a Library with others and any updates you make to Components in the original Library document will sync across any other documents that use them.

Library Preset: A saved color, gradient, or image in a document that can be used externally as part of a Library.

Library Style: A Text or Layer Style that lives externally and can be edited in a document that is linked as a Library.

Library Symbol: A Symbol that lives externally and can be edited in a document that is linked as a Library.

ligature ligature: A text effect that combines two or more letters (such as ‘a’ and ‘e’) into a single character (æ). Certain letter combinations are defined by the typeface.

Lighten (blend mode): The inverse of Darken. Will blend the lightest colors between the layer that has the Lighten blend mode applied, and the layers beneath it.

line break: Refers to formatting text. A line break can be created by pressing the Enter key when typing to set text onto a new line.

line spacing: Also referred to as line height. An option that allows you to define the value between the lines of a text layer.

Line tool Line tool: A tool that allows you to draw lines on the Canvas. You can select the Line tool by pressing the L key.

Linear Gradient Linear Gradient: A type of fill that is made from two or more colors that will blend, or transition into each other.

Link Add Link to Artboard tool: Used when creating a prototype to link a layer or Hotspot to a target Artboard.

list: An option that can be applied to a text layer that will automatically apply a bullet (•) or number to every new line.

local style: A style that lives and can be edited in a single document only.

local Symbol: A Symbol that lives and can be edited in a single document only.

locked layer Lock/Unlock rulers: A type of layer status. If a layer is locked, then it remains visible in the Canvas, but it cannot be clicked on, or selected.

lowercase lowercase: A type of text transform. Will convert a range of text into small letters.

Luminosity (blend mode): This effect will preserve the hue and saturation of any layers beneath the one with the Luminosity blend mode applied, but will use its brightness.


Make Exportable: An option in the Inspector to mark a layer with export settings.

Make Grid tool Make Grid tool: A tool used to evenly distribute one or more selected layers into a grid.

mask: A layer that will clip above contents to fit the shape.

Mask tool Mask tool: A tool that is used to apply a mask to a layer that will clip the contents above it to the shape’s outline.

Mirror: An iOS counterpart application used for prototyping playback and viewing Artboard previews from the Mac app.

Mirrored Mirrored: A type of vector point. Handle control points will mirror each other to create a Bézier curve.

Missing Fonts: A warning that appears when you open a document that contains fonts that cannot be found on your system.

motion blur: A blur effect that will blur a layer in a defined direction to give the illusion of motion.

Move Up: An action found under the Arrange menu that allows you to move the selection out of a group or Artboard.

Multiply (blend mode): Will leave only the black, and darker colors of the layer if the Multiply blend mode has been applied. Anything that’s white (or light) will become less opaque.

My Drafts: A private space in your Workspace to store files you don’t want to share with other Workspace members.


nested Symbol: A name given to a Symbol that is contained within another Symbol.

Noise Fill: A type of fill that is an image with a grain pattern. Used to apply a fake texture to other fills.

Non-Zero: A winding rule that determines how shapes with overlapping paths should fill. Non-Zero will fill the entire shape.

Normal (blend mode): The standard blend mode that displays the layer alone, without mixing its colors with any layers beneath it.


opacity: The level of a layer’s transparency.

open path: A vector path whose points are not fully connected. This will create an open shape.

orientation: A option that allows you to define whether an Artboard is portrait or landscape.

outline mask: A type of mask that clips above layers to its shape only.

outlines: A text layer, or border style property that is its own vector shape.

Oval tool Oval: A tool that allows you to draw an oval shape on the Canvas. You can select the Oval tool by pressing the O key.

Overlay (blend mode): Will combine both the Multiply and Screen blend modes. The final color is the result of Multiply if the layers beneath it are darker, or Screen if the layers beneath it are lighter.

override: An option that allows you to replace existing colors, text, images, Styles, Symbols, and Hotspots in an individual Symbol instance.


Page: A feature in the Mac app which will create a new Canvas to be used in the document.

paragraph spacing: An option that allows you to define the value between the paragraphs of a text layer.

parent: A term used to relate to a group or Artboard that contains child layers.

path: The outline of a vector shape between two vector points.

PDF: A common vector file format that can be widely read.

Pencil tool Pencil: A tool used to create freehand paths. You can select the Pencil tool by pressing the P key.

pixel: One dot in an image. The more pixels in an image, the higher the resolution. Also the unit in which everything in the Mac app is measured in. Values are represented as “px”.

plugin: An external file that can be imported into the Mac app to expand its functionality. Can be accessed via the Plugins menu.

Plus Darker (blend mode): Will blend all colors between the layer that has the Plus Darker blend mode applied, and the layers beneath it.

Plus Lighter (blend mode): The inverse of Plus Darker. Will blend all colors between the layer that has the Plus Lighter blend mode applied, and the layers beneath it.

PNG: A common file format that supports high-quality bitmap images, and transparency.

Polygon tool Polygon: A tool that allows you to draw a polygon shape on the Canvas. Number of sides can be adjusted.

Preview Preview: A toolbar item that allows you to control the connectivity to browsers and iOS devices via a popover.

Preview (window): Allows you to play back prototypes that have been created within the Mac app.

progressive JPG: An option that can be applied when exporting JPG images to determine how the image downloads in a web browser.

project: A way to group and organize related documents in your Workspace.

prototype: A series of linked Artboards that can be interacted with to get a feel for a working design.

Prototyping: A feature that contains tools used to create interactive prototypes.

px: See pixel.


Radial Gradient Radial Gradient: A type of fill made up of two or more colors in a circular pattern.

Radius: An option on Rectangle layers that allows you to round the corners of the shape.

range: Refers to the entire selection within a text layer. Also see subrange.

Rectangle tool Rectangle tool: A tool that allows you to draw a rectangle shape on the Canvas. You can select the Rectangle tool by pressing the R key.

Reduce Image Size: An option that allows you to shrink the file size of images used in your document.

render: Refers to the way items on the Canvas are displayed.

resizing constraints: See constraints.

resolution: Image resolution refers to the number of pixels in an image. Resolution is expressed in terms of the width and height of the image in pixels (for example, 375 × 667 pixels). Higher-resolution images contain more detail but also create larger files that take longer to download. Digital devices also have screen resolution.

Reverse Order: An option found when editing a vector shape to reverse the order the points are set up. If used on an open path, you will then be able to place your next point from the other unconnected point.

revert style: An option that will allow you to clear un-synced changes made to a layer with a Shared Style, or Shared Text Style.

RGB: Acronym for Red, Green, and Blue. A type of color model. This model represents how your computer sees colors.

Rotate Copies tool Rotate copies: A tool used to duplicate a shape and to place its copies around a certain point.

Rotate tool Rotate: A tool used for pivoting a selected layer around a certain point in the Canvas.

Rounded tool Rounded: A tool that allows you to draw a rounded rectangle shape on the Canvas. You can select the Rounded tool by pressing the U key.

Ruler Ruler icon: A tool used to visualize coordinates on the Canvas.


saturation: A measurement of the intensity of color. A color with less saturation will be less vibrant.

Saturation (blend mode): This effect will preserve the hue and brightness of any layers beneath the one with the Saturation blend mode applied, but will use its level of saturation.

Scale tool Scale: A tool that is used to scale a layer to a certain pixel value or percentage. This will also relatively scale any effects to the layer such as corner radius, border thickness, and shadow size.

Scissors tool Scissors: A tool that is enabled when editing vector shapes. Can be used to cut away the path between two vector points

Screen (blend mode): The inverse of Multiply. Will leave only the white, and lighter colors of the layer if Screen has been applied. Anything that’s black (or dark) will become less opaque.

shadow: An effect that creates an artificial shadow behind a layer.

Shared Style: A feature that allows you to store a layer’s style that can be re-used and updated remotely.

Shared Text Style: A feature that allows you to store a text layer’s style and attributes that can be re-used and updated remotely.

shortcut menu: A menu you access by holding down the Control key and clicking and item on the screen, or by pressing the right mouse button. Sometimes called a contextual menu.

Show Pixels Show Pixels: A view that will magnify the pixels used to create a layer as a bitmap representation when you zoom in.

size (export): Something that can be applied to an exportable layer. This will determine the scale (as a multiplier or a pixel value) on export.

slice Exportable: A type of layer that draws a dashed overlay on the Canvas. Content within the rectangle is marked for export.

Slice tool Create a slice: A tool that allows you to draw slice layers on the Canvas. Used to define an area to be exported. You can select the Slice tool by pressing the S key.

Smart Guide: An overlaid marker that appears from a selected layer when the Option key is held, or a layer is moved towards the edges or center of an existing layer.

Smooth Corners: A feature that adjusts the curve of a rectangle’s corner radius to achieve iOS-like corners.

snap: An action that automatically occurs when a layer is dragged towards a Guide or a Grid. This helps line up objects and can be turned on or off.

Soft Light (blend mode): Behaves the same way as Hard Light, however the effect is softer. Applying pure black or white does not result in pure black or white.

Solid Fill Oval: A type of fill that is made up of a single color.

spread: An effect that can be applied to increase the size of the object casting a shadow.

square grid: A type of grid that is made up of repeating blocks.

sRGB: A color profile that is a universal standard for displaying colors on the web. All phones and Macs are capable of displaying these colors.

Star tool Star: A tool that allows you to draw a star shape on the Canvas. Number of points and radius can be adjusted.

Starred update: A document or Library update that is more relevant than others.

Start Point Start Point: Can be applied to an Artboard that is used for prototyping. Prototypes viewed on mobile or the web can be started from here.

Straight : A type of vector point. Does not contain handles and will give shapes a straight angle.

Styled Text tool Styled Text tool: A tool used for inserting defined Text Styles directly onto the Canvas.

subpath: The name given to a layer that has a boolean operation applied to it that is used to make a more complex shape.

subrange: Refers to a selection within a text layer. Can be a single character, or all the words in a sentence.

subtract boolean substract: A type of boolean operation. The result is a vector where the area of the top shape is removed from the one under it.

suffix: Something that can be applied to an exportable layer. This will append whatever has been entered onto the end of a file name to make it unique.

SVG: A vector file format that is commonly found on the web. Images are made up from XML markup.

Symbol Symbol instance: A component that contains content that can be re-used and updated. A Symbol will have both a Source and instances.

Symbol instance: A flattened representation of a layer. These will update whenever a change has been made to a Symbol Source. Can independently contain overrides.

Symbol Source: An Artboard that contains layers used to make up a Symbol. Contents can be edited and changes will be reflected throughout Symbol instances.

Symbol tool: A tool used for inserting defined Symbols directly onto the Canvas.

sync style: An option that will allow you to propagate changes made to a Shared Style, or Shared Text Style that will apply to other layers with the same style.


target: The destination Artboard you will go to in a prototype.

template : A predefined Sketch file that can be opened as a new, unsaved document.

text alignment: Allows you to define what edge text should be aligned and typed from. Examples being left, center, right, and justify.

text decoration: An effect that can be applied to a subrange of text. Effects include underline, and strikethrough.

Text tool Insert Text: A tool that allows you insert a text layer on the Canvas. You can select the Text tool by pressing the T key.

text transform: An effect that can be applied to a range of text that dictates how it should appear. Can be uppercase, lowercase, or none.

Thread: A feature that allows you to reply to any comment on a Workspace document. It helps you have conversations for any document or Artboard and keep track of them.

TIFF: A bitmap file format common with some operating systems that supports transparency. Files are uncompressed and can contain multiple resolutions.

Toolbar: The Toolbar is a collection of tools and menus located along the top of the Mac app window.

Tools: A toolbar item that allows you to choose a range of editing tools from a pop-up menu.

Touch Bar: A Multi-Touch control strip found on MacBook Pro devices.

Transform tool Transform: A tool used for contorting the appearance of a vector shape.

Trash : A space in your Workspace for documents you have deleted. We’ll automatically delete any documents that have been in the Trash for 90 days, but up until that point you can restore them.

Triangle tool Triangle: A tool that allows you to draw a triangle shape on the Canvas. Can choose between equilateral and isosceles.

typeface: A name given to a font family.


undo: A command that will let you revert your most-recent action.

union boolean union: A type of boolean operation. The result is a vector that is the sum of both vectors’ areas.

unlink: Used to convert a Library Symbol to a local Symbol by detaching it from a Library document.

Unmanaged: The default Color Profile setting in the Mac app. If selected, the Mac app will use the system color profile.

uppercase : A type of text transform. Will convert a range of text into capital letters.


value slider Value sliders: A value slider is a type of numerical slider control that appears as a number, often to the right of a basic slider. There are two ways to adjust a value slider: by dragging over the number to decrease or increase the parameter value, or by double-clicking the number and entering a new value.

vector: A type of image or layer that is made up of points connected by paths. Can scale to any size without losing quality.

vector point: A point that can connect up to two paths on a vector shape.

Vector tool Vector tool: A tool used for creating custom shape layers. Allows you to place vector points and adjust paths.

vertical alignment: Allows you to define whether text sits at the top, middle, or bottom of a text field.

View: A toolbar item that allows you to toggle the visibility of Canvas overlays, such as Rulers, pixels, and grids.


weight: Refers to a certain font from a typeface. Can be regular, bold, italic, etc…

Workspace: A space to store your Sketch documents and share them to view, comment inspect or download with others.

Workspace window: The window that appears when you open your Mac app. You can browse projects, Workspace documents and local documents, and open them in the Mac app. You can also see who’s editing the document, what project it belongs to and its sharing settings.


X: Refers to an object’s x-axis. Measured horizontally.


Y: Refers to an object’s y-axis. Measured vertically.


zoom blur: A blur effect that will blur a layer from a defined point out.

Zoom tool: A tool that allows you to zoom in or out of the Canvas. You can select the Zoom tool by pressing the Z key.